August 22, 2011

Backyard Beauty

One of my photography goals has been to improve my understanding of camera settings in manual mode so that I can take a great photo in camera and have to do barely any editing. One reason is to cut down on the time I spend sitting at my computer editing photos; but, probably a more important reason is that I want my photos to have a consistent look - a look that is natural, bright, vibrant, and unprocessed.

Last night, I went out to practice. I am so excited that these images are all pretty much straight out of camera - with only a little sharpening for the blog.

Also, all of these were taken in my backyard. I love the idea of looking at your everyday surroundings a little differently and taking a little time to notice the beauty in the details of your life.


1 comment:

Teaka said...

What a beautiful back yard you must have! So green and woody. :D