May 09, 2011

Simple joys....

....make my heart happy. I have always been an easily excited person - a new shirt is worthy of smiles all day, going out for sushi usually comes with a little jumping up and down and numerous rounds of 'I'm so excited!!!!', and spotting a deer from the car is always followed by pointing and clapping and 'ooooooo LOOK, deer!!!! - oh and I just might have a problem with overusing exclamation marks. In case you hadn't noticed!!! But; the one big upside of being easily excitable, is that it really does not take a lot to make me happy.

When I found this wonderful blue suitcase at the thrift store I let out an 'oh!' clasped my hands together and felt my heart jump into my chest. Excited? Oh, just a little. I had no idea what I would use this treasure for but I know that I needed to have it - not wanted, needed. So for the large price tag of $2, it came home with me and I think that it makes the perfect addition to our cozy little living room. I love everything about this suitcase - the shiny buckles, the colour, the worn handle, the white stitching.

Now every time I walk past and catch a glimpse of my pretty blue suitcase, I can't help but smile and feel a little happiness in my heart.

We added a scrabble board I found at a garage sale last year (opening it was Scott's idea - I'm so proud of him!), a bird cage given to my by Scott's Aunty Minny, and a frame full of wisdom given to me by my cute little grandma.





We laugh a lot around our house, so I thought it was a very appropriate word to display.



Teaka said...

What a perfect find! Love ALL the pictures! :D So beautiful. Makes we want to go on some trip with a vintage suitcase and play scramble...just because it must be that lovely. :)

ashley goodwin said...

LOVE the suitcase! Isn't it fun when you find a little treasure like that? I am trying to fill my home only with things I absolutely LOVE! & I LOVEEEEE that you use exclamation points all over the place too, because just like you, I am very easily excited! :)

Kari Jeanne said...

Teaka - thank you so much!

Kari Jeanne said...

Ashley - so glad I'm not the only one!!!