So, when I found two wooden folding tray tables for ONLY $3 each at the thrift store I felt like I hit the jackpot! Not only were they a steal of a deal but they fold up nice and small - perfect for storing! Scott was very impressed with my find. I knew all they needed was some sprucing up...
After almost a year of avoiding spray paint like the plague - you might remember why - I decided it was time to spray some more.

First I lightly sanded them to get rid of the scratches and rough up the surface so the spray paint would stick.

I wiped them off good and then sprayed away! Thankfully, I barely went through one can of spray paint - NOT sixteen! It did bring back some finger numbing memories though...

TA DA! It's crazy how big of a difference a little paint makes!

They are the perfect little tables to have beside our bed :)

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